These photos are oldies, but I thought they were worth posting.
They were taken at the 2011 Big Day Out, side of stage at Rammstein's show.
I was very fortunate to score a backstage pass to Rammstein and got to watch the entire show side of stage! - A mind blowing experience!
They always put on such amazing shows with crazy effects and fire stunts!
I was lucky enough to hang out with Rammstein and their crew for the entire evening, and even joined them in attending the private after party with all the artists on the BDO line up!
Both the artists and the crew were so lovely, (I was too embarrassed to ask for a photo with the guys - I didn't want to be one of those 'annoying fans'! I'm kicking myself now though...) and they let me get really close to take photos.
Unfortunately, I only had my crappy little 'everyday' camera, (as I didn't think it was the safest idea to bring my DSLR with me while spending a day at a music festival) and the quality isn't as good as it could have been. AND my camera battery ran out before the end of the show!
However, I still managed to get a few decent shots...